Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28th - Sea Turtle

I realized after I uploaded this picture that the tail wasn't showing when I took the picture of this little guy.  Oh well.  This sea turtle is by himself.  Maybe he is the daddy turtle.
By the way, the last 4 days were practice folds on the calendar and I don't like to do those, so I got the designs from the Origami Club website.

February 27th - Piggyback Turtles #2

I think I like this one better than the one yesterday, but I like them both.  This one just looks a little more turtle like with the shells.

February 26th - Piggyback Turtles #1

A mommy turtle carrying her baby turtle to where ever turtles carry their babies...this is also from one sheet of paper.  Thank goodness I don't have to carry my babies like this, although I think I would lose a lot of weight that way!

February 25th - Four Frogs

It's kind of hard to tell, but there are four little frogs here all made from one sheet of paper.  Look at the bottom where the flash reflected and you can see the little "legs".  I think this must be some sort of serious frog conference or somthing.

February 24th - Sitting Fox

I think this fox is tired, because he is leaning a bit rather than sitting.  I did these posts from home, so I didn't have my usual photo taking place, but did have my much better camera!  This guy was super easy, but this is one of my least favorites so far.

February 23rd - Minnow

I'm totally catching up on my posting for February, and I have 40 minutes to get the last 6 on here before they will show up in my March list, so here goes!
This minnow is pretty simple and looks more like a rocket to me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22nd - Birthday Creation

It is a certain boss' birthday at work and we all made a page in this cute little scrapbook to send to her and I had to incorporate my origami!  I hope her birthday is very sweet with these little candy shapes that I folded!

February 22nd - Painted Butterfly

It amazes me how many variations there are on the butterfly in origami.  Not nearly as many as there are in the real world (17,500 species in the world, 750 species in the US), but interesting anyway.  This is my 2nd and I'm sure it won't be my last.  Now I just need some caterpillars....or is that the other way around?  Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 

February 20-21st - Rucksack

Who really calls this a rucksack?  Bookbag?  Yes.  Backpack?  Yes.  Rucksack?  I mean, what is ruck?  Why would you want to put it in a sack?  It doesn't sound pleasant and I don't think I would want to carry it around on my back.  Give me my backpack, or as my 2-year-old says "pack-pack", anyday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19th - Masu Box

This is the perfect little box for my desk to hold these cute little paper clips that I never use!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18th - Inflatable Pyramid

If only the Great Pyramids of Egypt had been this easy to build. 
Just a few folds and some hot air!  (Some people say I have a lot of that!) ;)

February 17th - Houou

I have no idea how you pronouce that...  How-woo? Who-woo? Who-ooo? How-ooo?
Whatever, I like this bird...he is super cool!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th - Prawn

"Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it." - Bubba, Forrest Gump
Now there's origami shrimp!

February 16th - Waterbomb

I wonder if this could really hold any water?  And for how long?  I think it would definitely make a great POP when it hit its target.  But I really don't think it would hold water in the first place.  Maybe that's where this waterbomb BOMBS. 
I see said the blind man as he peed into the wind...

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15th - Jefferson's Boat

Happy President's Day!  This was supposed to be George's Boat, but I didn't have any one dollar bills, so old Jefferson had to substitute in....anyone know what bill he is on?  When you figure it out, you'll wonder, "Seriously, she didn't have any $1 bills, but she had a Jefferson?!?!"  Yeah....seriously...and I have two more.  There's a story behind that.  If somone can guess in the comments, I'll share the story in a later post.

February 13th-14th - Note-Holding Heart

This would be such a cute little origami to find with a surprise note sticking out.  Unless that note said something like, "I hate you," or, "You're not really the father of my children."  Oh that's awful.  My note is much better!  Hope everyone had a love-filled Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Second Attempt at the Heart Crane

I think this one turned out better than the first one, but my friend Cameron said it looked like I sat on it....I think I will go sit on my friend Cameron.  ;)

February 12th - Heart Dish

It's a candy dish.....shaped like a heart...for Valentine's Day....with M&Ms....what's not to like?

February 11th - "V" for Valentine

V is for Valentine and also for some other things....I am going to see The Vagina Monologues this weekend to support the Domestic Violence Shelter and the Rape Crisis Center here in Wilmington.  I directed and acted in it last year.  So, it will be a little weird to go see someone else perform the monologue that I have been performing for the last 8 years....I'm sure it will be great and it is for a great cause! 

February 10th - Heart Picture Frame

I really love this one.  It is a little picture frame and has a stand behind it so it stands up on its own.  You can see my very handsome husband and me in the picture that I put in here.  You have to put a teeny picture but it is super cute! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9th - Jet Plane

"I'm leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...."
I wish!  It's cold out and I'm stressed out!  But alas, this plane doesn't fly. 
Try this though, tilt your head a little to the right and it looks a little like the Transformers logo.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8th - Heart Crane

This is by far the coolest one yet and as you can tell by my awesome picture (I finally got a camera instead of my cell phone) it was sooo hard to make. It is all jacked up. There are creases where there shouldn't be, the tail is all messed up and it's just a mess. But it's still TOTALLY cool. This is all one piece of paper! I love it!

February 5th - Heart on a Stand

I knew I left one out the other night when I was catching up on all my posts, but I thought I just hadn't taken a picture of it.  I just realized I missed it in my list of picture files.  Here it is.  You can't really tell from the picture, but it is leaning on its own stand.  Pretty cool.  This one was really easy to make and would make great place markers at a Valentine's party!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Progress Report

Well, it is 36 days in to my 2010 Origami-a-Day project and, while I haven't posted every day, I have kept up with the folding and posted all my origamis.  Some of my posts have been a little more creative than others and some have been just to get them on and keep this up.  I love doing the folding, but the posting is a little more tedious.  I am finally getting a camera to borrow for the rest of the year.  I'm going to try to get it tomorrow.  My pictures should be a lot better after that!  So, I think this project will make it the rest of the year.  For now, it is off to bed.

February 5th - Pop Up Heart

This heart you can put in a greeting card and it will pop up.  Like this it looks like a heart with wings.  Either way, pretty neat.

February 5th - Owl

This one is too cool.  Hoo doesn't think so?  Hoo! Hoo!

February 4th - Simple Star

No ninja star, this one, but it makes a nice decoration pinned to my cube wall.  And of course makes me feel like a star all day even though it's not on the door of a dressing room.

February 3rd - Pelican

I dig this pelican, I think he is cool bird.  He just looks like he is floating along with no cares in the world.

February 2nd - Diving Duck

Some origamis are moveable if you make certain pulls or pushes on them.  This one is supposed to look like it is diving if you push down on its neck.  Maybe I can figure out how to post a video...but not likely since I've had to change my blog template like 6 times tonight already to get it to work posting is not looking very bright in my future.

February 1st - Plant Starter

I don't think you could put an actual plant in this, but maybe some M&Ms or something.  I loooove M&Ms....especially the dark chocolate ones, and this would be the perfect size for them since they don't usually last that long at my desk!

January 30th - Cherry Blossom

The online directions for this one had the final product looking a lot better than mine (see that one below), but I like cherry blossoms, so I wanted to give it a try anyway.

January 29th - Butterfly

This one wasn't from my calendar but I did it from online directions in place of a preactice page.  I don't like to do the practice folds, so I look up something online.  I did this during a meeting.  I like it.