Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31st - Swan Love

August 30th - Raging Bull

August 26th - Flower

Coming soon!

August 25th - Dog

August 24th - Snappy Beak

August 23rd - Seal

August 21st - 22nd - Accordion Flower

August 20th - Roly-poly

August 18th - Dragonfly

August 17th - Big Mouth Bass

August 16th - Boy Scout Canoe

August 13th - Whale

August 12th - Flapping Bird

August 11th - Palm Tree Trunk

August 10th - Dog Gone Cool

August 9th - Bird Finger Puppet

August 6th - 8th - Giraffe

August 3rd - One-Eyed Penguin

August 2nd - Inside-Out Gondola

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ack! I'm SOOOO far behind!

I am sooo far behind with my August origamis.....as in, I haven't folded ANY!  But in the meantime, I heard about this interesting product and thought I would share....I have heard of reading in the bathroom, but never folding in the bathroom!  Ha ha, too funny!  You could just leave some origami paper in there (or I guess you are meant to use the toilet paper squares?  those would be hard to fold with...) and then when you or your guests came out from a long visit to the toilet, they would have a better gift for you than maybe what you might have expected!  :)
Buy some here.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 31st - Nesting Bird

I really don't like this one all that much.  I wish I had known how it was going to turn out so I could have started on the other side of the paper, that way more yellow would be showing than white.  Besides, it doesn't even look like a bird.

July 30th - Water Lily

The last time I tried to fold a water lily it turned out really bad, so I am really happy with how this one turned out.

July 29th - Winged Hat

This looks like it would belong to a pope or something.  I'm sure I made a pope's hat before, but this looks like it would work too.  It might need some bedazzling first, but it could work.

July 28th - Blow Up Basket

I really like this basket.  It is probably my favorite one of all the ones I have made.  It looks very geometric.  I don't know....I just like it.

July 27th - Elephant Trick

I don't know why this is called elephant "trick".  I don't have any tricks, but I do have some interesting facts:

They cool off by fanning their ears. This cools the blood in their ears. That blood goes to the rest of their body and cools off the elephant.

They poop 80 pounds in one day.

I could put more, but after all that poop, what more do you really need to know? 

July 26th - American Woodcock

This is one of my favorite birds so far.  The feet and feathers are very cool.  I just like him, plus, he stands up on his own....always a plus!

July 23-25th - Box Top & Bottom from a Blintz

This fold pattern would be a good one to know for when you have a little gift to give someone.  Not only did you get them a nice little gift, but you made the box yourself!

July 22nd - Rowboat

I do like this little rowboat.  I think it looks pretty much like a rowboat should look.  I just need some little origami fishermen.

July 21st - Fraidy Cat

This one is weird and hard to see the face.  The nose is especially hard to make out.  Not one of my favorites.

July 20th - Hawaiian Shirt & Shorts

I could have done a better job at making this one, but I still think it is pretty cute.  I have only seen a shirt by itself before, so this dual set is pretty unique.

July 19th - Rabbit

First, I missed the end of July and all these posts are going to show up in August!  Aargh!  Oh well.  I have had them folded for weeks too! 

This is the Rabbit.  I don't like it much.  It is a little too goemetric for me.  But you can definitely see the animal there.