Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31st - Bunny Bookmark

You're supposed to draw a little face on it, but I kind of like it without the face.  I've never been one to use bookmarks in books.  I use the book jacket or just fold the back the corner of the page I am on.

On another note...please leave comments if you like my origamis!  I want to know who is reading and looking at my handiwork!  Also, please become a follower!  I'll post a picture tomorrow of all the origamis together now that the first quarter of the year is over!

March 30th - Swimming Sea Turtle

This origami was really hard for me for some reason as you can see by all the jacked up crease lines on it.  Oh well, I think at least it turned out to look something like a sea turtle.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Have you been paying attention?

So if you have been paying close attention, you may have noticed that this month I have skipped a few days.  There were some days on the calendar that had dorky at home projects (like decorating the starburst box with jewels and glitter or making a "Get Whale Soon" card with the whale) and I just don't want to do those.  There were other days that were just practice folds and I usually look up cool origamis online to make instead of the practice folds, but I have been super busy at work.

So, here is my new plan for those days that I am skipping....I am going to save them up until I have about 12 and then I am going to make something like this....
Turns out I need 30 pieces of paper to make this!  I will post pictures of my progress throughout the year on this one.  I would have been well on my way if I hadn't been looking up so many origamis online!

March 29th - Blow Up Bunny

Okay first, let me say that whenever I see the name of this origami, I can't help thinking of some disturbed 15-year-old boy blowing up poor defenseless woodland creatures with firecrackers or cherry bombs or something. And then of course he will grow up to be a serial killer or a lawyer.
But in reality this an adorable little pink bunny that I had to blow into to inflate it.  I just think this is the cutest little thing you have ever seen!  It's almost Easter and that means it's time for Easter dresses, egg hunts and sugar overload!  Oh, and don't forget that short work week!  Wahoo!

March 26th - 27th - Owl

This directions for this owl took two days of my calendar.  I like it just as well as the other owl I made.  It is interesting how different they are even though they are both the same thing.  I suppose they are different species - this one is the fat old wise owl and the other one is the younger hunter owl.  Yeah, I have too much free time to be thinking of those things...;)

March 24th - Sunfish

I don't even think this is what this is supposed to look like.  I really couldn't get this one to work.  You are supposed to be able to pull on something on the sides and make it's mouth open and close.  Not so much for me.  Oh well, the picture turned out cute.  But pictures don't have to animate....

March 22nd - Two Car Garage

I just knew there had to be a song out there about a two car garage...sure enough Google came through and it gave me B.J. Thomas' Two Car Garage.  Here is the chorus.

I want a two car garage
And a two story house
And a couple of kids
We can brag about
Give me a two-toned Cheverolet
And too many bills to pay
And your two arms
Too make me happy living that way

I don't know what it sounds like or what kind of music this artist sings, but I'm 99% sure this MUST be a country song....

March 19th - Whale

Some whale fun facts...

  • The blue whale is the largest mammal on earth. It weighs 50 tons at birth and can grow to 150 tons.

  • Some people believe that whales have the power to create earthquakes. 

  • The tongue of a blue whale is about the same size as an elephant

  • Narwhal whales have a horn, which is actually a tooth. Sailors once believed that narwhals were related to unicorns.

  • Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

  • At nearly 50 percent fat, whale milk has around 10 times the fat content of human milk, which helps calves achieve some serious growth spurts - as much as 200 pounds per day!

  • Killer whales are symbols of longevity and romance since they are believed to mate for life.

March 18th - Pope's Hat

In its modern form in Western Christianity, the mitre is a tall folding cap, consisting of two similar parts (the front and back) rising to a peak and sewn together at the sides. Two short lappets always hang down from the back.  In the Catholic Church, the right to wear the mitre is confined by Canon law to bishops and to abbots, as it appears in the ceremony of consecration of a bishop and blessing of an abbot. Cardinals are now normally supposed to be bishops (since the time of Pope John XXIII), but even cardinals who are not bishops and who have been given special permission by the pope to decline consecration as bishops may wear the mitre.

Mitra simplex traditional style: White damask with its white lappets ending in red fringes.

March 17th - Four Leaf Clover

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Okay, I'm a little late with my post, so here are some interesting facts for you: According to legend, each leaflet represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck.  It has been estimated that there are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every four-leaf clover, however this probability has not deterred collectors who have reached records as high as 160,000 four-leaf clovers.

March 16th - Diamondback Snake

A Hopi myth tells about the origin of the snake dance. A young Hopi man travels to the land of the Snake People, where the sun sets. The Snake People can assume the form of snakes. There, the young man meets the Chief, who tests him by asking him to identify which snake is the chief's daughter. When he successfully selects her, he receives her in marriage, as well as the secrets of the snake ceremony. The couple travels back to the young man's village where the now pregnant Snake Wife tells her husband that she will wait outside the village until he returns for her.

She warns him, however, that no one must touch him while he is in the village. When a village woman embraces him, the Snake Wife is forced to leave her husband and return to her people. First, though, she gives birth to a baby who remains in the village, becoming the ancestor of the dancers. Like his mother, the child could take the shape of a snake. This myth establishes the divine lineage of the Snake clan. It also explains how the Hopi came to perform with snakes to call for rain. The Snake Wife is a form of the Serpent Goddess, with her connections to life-giving rain and royal ancestry.

March 15th - Upright Piano

I was watching the movie "Be Kind Rewind" the other day with Jack Black and Mos Def and this origami makes me think of that movie.  At the end, they make a cute black and white film about Fats Waller who was a great piano player in the 20's and 30's.  I used a white post-it to make my piano keys, they used black and white fingers.  Very creative either way.

March 12th & 13th - Flower & Stem

This is two days worth of origami folding.  First I made the flower, then the next day I made the stem.  If I got the chance to make this again, I would definitely make the flower in something other than green, but that's what the calendar gave me.  Also, it is a little top heavy, so you really have to lean it against something.  Both of these designs were created by a 12-year-old-girl.  That's better than I could do!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11th - Toucan

Who can? Toucan! Okay, this guy had me stumped for a while.  But I finally figured out the beak and he turned out totally cool.  But I can't help thinking about Fruit Loops as I write this post!

March 10th - Star Ornament

My star ornament isn't from the calendar because it was one of the base fold practice days, so here is picture of the star ornament from the origami club website how it would be with all the other stars.  I guess there is some sort of star festival or something and these would be the decorations.  It wasn't too hard to make and I think would look cute on a Christmas tree.

March 9th - Helicopter

Uh, this thing is supposed to flutter down in circles if you throw it up in the air, but this girl can't get it to work.  I'm positive it's me and not the origami.  I'm not inclined to this kind of thing.  I rarely can make a paper airplane fly.  Although I did go through a pretty sucessful model rocket phase as a kid.

March 8th - Rocking Pigeon

He rocks in the treetops all day long, Hopping and a-bopping and singing his song, All the little birdies on Jaybird Street, Love to hear the robin go....oh wait, this is a pigeon.  Do you ever wonder why you never see baby pigeons?  You only ever see grown pigeons.  Where are the babies?  Do they just stay in their eggs until they are grown?  Either way, this pigeon does rock if you tap on its tail.

March 5th - Rum Runners

My friend Jamie and I went to Rum Runners (a very cool and fun dueling piano bar) on Friday night.  I thought it would be super cute to make money origami to request my song "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt.  Long story short, they didn't even know the lyrics and they owed me one and ended up playing "Amie" by Pure Praire League (my favorite song to request when I go there).

March 5th - Starburst Box

I love this for a candy box...or a home for fairy.....probably the home for a fairy the most.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th - Oblique Letter Fold

I don't usually do the ones that I consider to be practice folds, but this one seemed pretty cool.  If I was still at that stage in my life where I passed notes (okay I still do that sometimes...), this would be a cool way to fold them.  Maybe that's all this is....I don't think it is a practice fold or a base.  It just is a cool way to fold a little note or letter.  By the way...Happy Big 15 Kaitlyn!

March 3rd - Sitting Bird

If a sitting duck is something that is easy to criticize or target, then a sitting bird must be something that is easy to target in a ring toss.  Right?  Look at this guy's could you miss that thing?  I am going to make a ring and see if it works.....not really though, I mean seriously, I have work to do.  :)

March 2nd - Persimmon

I can totally see the resemblance between my persimmon and the
American persimmon flower below...can you?

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Photographer's Blog

My wonderful photographer is having a contest on her new blog and there are so many ways to enter (guess what, I am doing one of them now!).  So, please go check her out and see all the great pictures she has taken as well as her new prices, packages and the new look of her blog - and enter the contest too!  You can link from this post, or you can always link from the list of blogs that I follow on the left side of my blog!

March 1st - Tortoise

I did a variation on the instructions for this one and I think mine is MUCH cuter than what it would have been, especially with all of the calendar stuff that would have been showing.  Check out the calendar instructions below and decide for yourself which one you like better.