Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Have you been paying attention?

So if you have been paying close attention, you may have noticed that this month I have skipped a few days.  There were some days on the calendar that had dorky at home projects (like decorating the starburst box with jewels and glitter or making a "Get Whale Soon" card with the whale) and I just don't want to do those.  There were other days that were just practice folds and I usually look up cool origamis online to make instead of the practice folds, but I have been super busy at work.

So, here is my new plan for those days that I am skipping....I am going to save them up until I have about 12 and then I am going to make something like this....
Turns out I need 30 pieces of paper to make this!  I will post pictures of my progress throughout the year on this one.  I would have been well on my way if I hadn't been looking up so many origamis online!


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