Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 16th - Flamingo

I guess in Origami world, the Flamingo and the Ostrich are related.  They look an awful lot alike!  I think I like this one better!

July 15th - Butterfly Mystery

This is a lot like the "COOL" one I did a while back so I wanted to post the instructions for this one too.  It is really easy and then you get to the single cut that makes the final product and I can't help but get a little nervous because if I do it a little wrong, who knows how it will turn out?

July 14th - Shark Attack

You're supposed to be able to fold this just right so you can balance it 3 ways.  So obviously I could only get it to balance 2 ways.  Maybe I'll try the third one again and post it with the others.  Check back!

July 13th - Teeter Totter

I used to love playing on the teeter totter when I was a kid.  Do they even have those anymore?  They don't even have good playgrounds anymore.  I remember the best playground when I was a kid.  It was at my elementary school and there was a big wooden boat full of sand.  You had to walk up a ramp to get in and it was so fun!  There was also a huge cargo net draped over a 20 foot high frame.  You could climb up one side and down the other.  I fell down that cargo net more than once, but it was still a lot of fun.  Playgrounds don't have that kind of stuff anymore.  They are all covered with woodchips or whatever current soft material is in style and there is nothing on them that might possibly injure a kid.  Good thing kids still have great imaginations.  I see it everyday in my 3 year old.  I love the things she comes up with!  I bet she would love riding on a teeter totter!

July 12th - Twin Penguins

These neither look like twins nor penguins really.  And it would be a lot cooler if it would stand up.  Eh, I'd give this one a 4.  But who's rating?

July 9-11th - Puff Owl

Last time I tried to make a two-parter, it didn't turn out that great, but I really like this one!  I got to use the forbidden white out again, which really makes the eyes pop and the two different shades of blue are really nice against each other.  I also like the feathers above the eyes.  Just pretty cool altogether.

July 8th - Partition

I should retitle this, "My World".  This is the way I spend my life every day at work, in a little cube.  Actually this cube is better than mine because it is a much more attractive color.  Mine is roomier though.  :)

July 7th - Bulldog

This is by far the cutest bulldog I have ever seen.  Or if not the cutest, at least the least slobbery.  I don't really know if slobbery is a word, but whatever, the point is that real bulldogs are full of slobber and this one is dry.  Yep.

July 6th - Shade the Lady Bug

The company I work for has banned white-out for the past several years because we deal with sensitive documents that can't have correction fluid on them.  If you make a mistake, you have to redo the document.  But I have some.  I never have any reason to use it, but the eyes for this bug were a pretty good reason.  Yay for the forbidden white out!

July 5th - Super Swirl Bird

This is supposed to fly, but I couldn't get it to.  I haven't had any luck with that so far with any of the flying models.  Oh well.  I still think this one looks pretty cool, even if I can't get it to fly!

July 2nd - Cone

The directions for this one said to put candy in it for the 4th of July.  I just need to stop eating candy in general, so I didn't do that.  But it is a cute idea, anyway.  Although, I don't know how much candy you could really fit in here, it's not really that big!

July 1st - 4 Leaf Decoration

This is one regular sized paper cut into four smaller pieces.  I had to repeat the same folds four times in a row.  But it turned out nice, so even though that was kind of annoying, it was worth it.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

HALFWAY POINT!!! - Cool Money Origami

Butterfly - One Dollar

I'm halfway through the year!  I have made it through 6 months of origami folding and posting and haven't gotten too far behind.  I admit that it has been very difficult at times, especially as work has been getting busier and busier.  I find myself up very late at night on the last day of the month each month adding a lot of posts.  My goal now is just to finish!  Oh - and I still need 71 more followers!
As a special celebration of my halfway mark, I would like to share some of the coolest dollar orgami I have ever seen! (I most certainly did not make these. I wish!  These were all made by Won Park - an obviously very talented folder!)

Camera - One Dollar
Chinese Dragon - Two Dollars
Fish - One Dollar
Dolphin - One Dollar
Jacket - Two Dollars
Hammer Head Shark - One Dollar
Crab - One Dollar
Battle Tank - Two Dollars
Toilet Bowl - One Dollar
Penguin - One Dollar
Scorpion - One Dollar
Bat - One Dollar
Jet - One Dollar
Shark - One Dollar